Body scan meditation
For those of us with M.E, it can be very difficult to view your body in a positive light. After all, most of the time your body is out to get you! For many who practice mindfulness, the focus is on developing awareness of the body without judgement or preference.
I would argue that those of us with M.E have an acute awareness of their body, as the range and severity of symptoms is such that it becomes very difficult not to notice them. Add to that the need for pacing and listening to your body, this adds up to a LOT of focus on the body and the unpleasant sensations. This can lead to a negative self image, as we bcome disappointed and sometimes angry with our lack of ability, we can feel our body has let us down.
This body scan meditation is designed to cultivate a different relationship with the body, one of kindness, understanding and forgiveness. When we can learn to relate to the body and any pain or dis-ease within it, we can find a more peaceful existence where we do not turn away from the unpleasant or unwanted. When we lean gently towards the pain and try to view it objectively, without attaching judgement and reacting to it, we can lessen our suffering.
The body scan is best practiced lying down comfortably, why not try it every day for a week and see how your experience changes and delvelops?
You can find body scan meditations on Youtube or in a variety of books and CDs. Some of my favourites are:
Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief by Jon Kabat-Zinn (CD)
Mindfulness for Health by Vidyamala Burch